Vibe Check 


Project Type: Physical Prototyping, UI Design
Project Duration: December 2022
Design Tools: Fusion 360, Arduino, Adobe Creative Cloud

[In collaboration with Richie Hug + Camila Mendez]

Based on the original design of the Multimeter AN/USM-223, Vibe Check is a redesign of the 1974 multimeter instrument. The device is meant to be reimagined as a modern day reconfiguration. Instead of measuring voltage, current and resistance, the device quantifies interpersonal relationships between lovers, friends, or coworkers. The device pulls data from two connected phones (music, image, texts, & more) and mimics a passage through an ‘AI model’ to deliver compatibility results.
Interface and Interaction Modality:
Vibe Check is a physical device used to measure and inspect the compatibility of users' interpersonal relationships. Based on the combination of the main category and subcategory chosen, a user can test for twelve vibe compatibilities (e.g., music taste, zodiac, hobbies). Hitting the main button 'S', lets Vibe Check analyze the collected data through its AI model. Once the model has processed the phones' information, compatibility results will appear on an analog gauge and digital screen. After completing a check, the user can return to the main screen by pressing the button 'S' and start over again. Vibe Check can be tightly closed when not needed and carried away thanks to four secure latches, thus enforcing the user's perception of security. A grip allows the user carry the box easily.

The Vibe Check was developed over a three week period as part of the final project for Digitally Designed Objects for Fast Prototyping at SUPSI University. The 3-D model was designed in Autodesk Fusion 360 and the prototype includes 3-D printed parts, plywood cuts LEDs, an Arduino board, two potentiometers, a push button and a phone that is acts for the device’s display. The interface runs on Figma and is controlled via Bluetooth by the Arduino board. The LED lights correspond with the screen faces and are also controlled in Arduino.

Digital Fabrication: